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Don’t Be Afraid of Raising Your Prices

Making the decision to raise your prices can be absolutely terrifying. But do you know what else is terrifying? The idea of staying stuck and having no room for growth/profit/being able to pay your bills

So today I thought I’d talk about how to start replacing any negative self talk you might have around charging more. And if this turns out to be a popular subject I’m happy to do a live about it in my FB group. There’s a lot to unpack here.


1. Raising my fees will take me to a whole new level and allow me to access clients who truly value me and the work that I do.

2. I really know my stuff - I have worked hard to get where I am & I am worth it.

3. I am not going to waste my time looking at other people in the field who are charging less than me - everyone has their reasons and it’s not my business to look over my shoulder at what others are doing.

4. I will work hard at my copy & messaging so that potential clients can really understand all that I offer, what to expect from me & what sets me apart

5. I will work on my money mindset so that I can present myself to potential clients without hesitation.

6. I trust that I will attract the right clients for me at this new price, with an energy of confidence rather than frantic energy. No one wants to buy from someone who sounds desperate.

And on top of talking to yourself in this way, you will need to go that that step further and talk to your future clients with your new outlook!

Your clients want to know that they are safe & supported with you. They want to have faith in your process, that you have it all covered, that you are the pro, that you are the right fit for them, that they won't have buyers remorse...

Are you ready to get started on this process? As Rafiki says to Simba in The Lion King - “IT IS TIME”

Want me to help you in this process? I'm so here for you. Book in for a power hour (or 2 or 3) with me here


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